SHS Immortals

SHS Immortals

No matter what happens in the future, these select few have proven themselves to be individuals of excellence who have gone far above and beyond the call of duty. With ‘Morty’ on their sleeve and a gold tinged SHS logo inscribed upon their hearts, these ‘Immortals’ can be recognised in any situation by their incredible work ethic and natural ability to command and perform under any circumstances. They have paid their dues to the entertainment industry, and to SHOW SUPPORT with their tireless dedication to duty; superseding their peers in ability, skill, experience and above all endurance and determination in the face of all opposition. Having undergone years of pain and hardship in the belief that letting their mates down is a far worse evil than hiding behind the barrier of personal comfort, the remotest idea of quitting has never even crossed their mind. These outstanding individuals have suffered extreme conditions of ultra long hours, bad weather, sleep deprivation, goading and the most gruelling and strenuous types of physical labour. They have sacrificed their personal lives for the common good, have shined above all others and secured themselves a place in ‘industry history’ as the famous, never to be denied, SHOW SUPPORT IMMORTALS!

Immortality is a sacred and hallowed institution at Show Support and is not to be taken lightly. It is the combined essence of years of experience, effort and endurance condensed into a rarefied state of supreme reputation. In order to become a ‘Show Support Immortal’ you must be accepted by a panel of Immortals. The procedure is as follows:

Firstly you must be nominated by your local Ops Manager

Secondly a quorum, consisting of at least 60% of the current Immortals are summoned to council, presided over by the Ops Manager or Managing Director acting in their official capacity as ‘Chief Immortal’.

Once assembled, the Chief Immortal reminds all Immortals of the sacred duty and immense responsibility that comes with ‘Immortality’. Firstly a definition is presented accompanied by the ceremonial reading of the words above. The Oxford dictionary has the definitions “deserving to be remembered forever” and “a person of enduring fame” for Immortality.

A Show Support Immortal must have all of the following qualities:

  1. Reputation – An Immortal considers the good reputation of Show Support to be the most paramount object of his/her existence
  2. Reliability – An Immortal will NEVER blow out a gig or be late to work
  3. Humility – An Immortal is always humble towards his/her fellow crew and clients.
  4. Bookability – An Immortal will always accept any shift offered to them by the SHS office
  5. Experience – An Immortal has paid his dues to the entertainment industry and to show support (min 3 years in the industry and 18 months with SHS)
  6. Loyalty – An Immortal works exclusively for Show Support
  7. Team Player – An Immortal will always unquestioningly obey the command of their client or Crew Chief instantly, without objection and to their best of their ability
  8. Ability/Skill – A Show Support Immortal is a ‘Superloader’, displaying amazing talent and superb ‘gigmanship’
  9. Work Ethic – The work ethic of an Immortal is superior to that of humans and puts them in the realm of demigods
  10. Temperament – An SHS Immortal will never allow his/her feelings to show but will always maintain their self control and discipline. Immortals are always a calming influence on clients and crew no matter how difficult the circumstances
  11. Maturity – An Immortal will always conduct themselves with a maturity beyond their years. Wisdom and enlightenment are also classic Immortal traits.
  12. Honesty – An Immortal will always tell the truth and act in the most trustworthy manner possible

Once the definition of an Immortal has been established, the applicant has a chance to state their case in front of the Council. Whatever they wish to say must be said at this point as there will be no opportunity for them to speak after this. In return all Immortals will remain silent for the duration of the applicant’s speech while they dine.

After this, the applicant’s work record will be read aloud by the Chief Immortal to the congregation.

The council members may then speak one at a time or ask questions relevant to the application either to the applicant or to their fellow Immortals.

A vote will be taken, the decision must be unanimous.

The Immortal Chief will then conclude.

Only Immortals that meet all of the above requirements may advance to the level of Ops Manager or Field Manager.