Safety Induction

Show Support | 6th July 2018

Dear Show Support Crew Members,

**Update 24 JULY 2018**

Due to some excellent feedback received on the Feedback Form the Safety Induction has been simplified for experienced Crew Members who have already completed the Induction during the previous 3 months.

An Advanced button has been added near the top of the form that enables you to load the next page with the checkboxes preselected, your name and date auto completed and the page scrolled to the correct place.

Experienced Crew Members and employees need only follow these simple steps:

1. Open the Safety Induction
2. Press the Advanced button
3. Enter the Venue
4. Sign
5. Send

It is incumbent on all SHS Crew Members and employees to read, understand and familiarise themselves with all of the SHS Safe Work Polices and Safe Work Procedures and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) that are linked to within the Safety Induction and which can be accessed at any time at in the drop down menu.

Contact SHS Operations for the password as these pages are password protected.

Many thanks for your understanding.

**End of Update**

Please familiarise yourself with the online Safety Induction

All Crew Members and employees should complete the Safety Induction on a regular basis.

The Safety Induction contains the Tool Box Talk as well as the relevant Show Support Policies, Procedures and SWMS for the job.


The Safety Induction has been developed in consultation with the Show Support Safety Committee.

Show Support Pty Ltd is continually implementing, reviewing, and updating our Work Heath and Safety Management System with the goal of creating a safe work environment for all Show Support Crew Members and employees, other workers and members of the public.

All Show Support Staff should be familiar with the Show Support General SWMS – Safe Work Method Statement – for general shifts.

All Show Support Crew Members engaged in ticketed activities requiring a Workcover High Risk Licence, such as Rigging, EWP, Forklift, Telehandler, Scissorlift should be familiar with the Show Support High Risk SWMS 002 – Safe Work Method Statement.

There are specific, individual SWMS – Safe Work Method Statements – and Safe Work Procedures accessible at the Show Support Website > WHS > Procedures / SWMS

The Safety Induction is part of our ongoing process to ensure safety documentation is easily accessible and simple to use for all SHS Crew Members.

The Safety Induction is available at all times and locations using a smartphone or tablet device.

Unless another WHS induction has already been completed for the same job, prior to the commencement of the first Shift of a job, all Crew Members must complete the Safety Induction that sends the results, signature and name of the Inductee to SHS Operations for electronic storage.

The Safety Induction is easily accessible on the Show Support website under the WHS heading: Show Support Website > WHS > Safety Induction

We welcome all Feedback through the Feedback Form located in the header of the Show Support Website.

We thank all Crew Members for taking the time to read and understand these important WHS Policies, Procedures and SWMS.